I wisk to use this mod http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1752 on my forum. I attempted installation which it warned me would fail on post.template.
This was fine as I assumed I could simply add the code manually, replacing
Code: [Select]
// Now show the subject box for this post.
Code: [Select]
// Here starts the Topic Prefix Mod
if (!empty($context['prefix']))
', $txt['prefix_select'], ':
<select name="post_prefix" id="post_prefix">
<option value="">(', $txt['prefix_no'], ')</option>';
foreach($context['prefix'] as $prefix)
<option value="', $prefix['prefix'], '" >', $prefix['prefix'], '</option>';
// Here Topic Prefix Mod End's
// Now show the subject box for this post.
And then continued with the installation. The admin panel appears and I can add prefixes but for some reason the prefix drop down is not appearing when I attempt to post. Would you have any idea why this is? Is it something I have done wrong or is it to do with Vertex?
Thank you.