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Topics - David Knight

Pages: [1]
Posted: December 9, 2011, 10:59 AM
How would I go about putting a link to the Recent Unread Topics (similar to the Recent Posts link at the bottom of the skin, but I'd like topics and not posts) at the top of the skin, underneath the Personal Messages links?
Posted: December 7, 2011, 5:38 AM
Is there any way to center the banner logo? The default "Vertex" logo is left-aligned on the forum (with 15px of padding), but I replaced it with my own banner and took out the padding (as you'll see below). It would be great, though, if I could somehow center it over the width of the forum, no matter the width of the monitor. Is that possible?

Here's a picture of the problem, see how it looks odd:

Also, how would I go about changing the banner_logo link to the forum instead of the home page (index.php)?
Posted: December 4, 2011, 10:24 AM
Hey guys,

I recently used the Vertex theme for a forum I run (I have to say, awesome job - looks great!), but I severely lack an understanding for CSS and was wondering if you could help me out.

As you'll notice, on the image below, the Child Boards quick-links run across the entire width of the forum. How would I go about setting it to a maximum width to where it goes the board statistics (posts + topics) or the end of the whiter area of it's adult board? Excuse my lack of proper terminology, but I am trying my best here :)

Is there anything that someone can suggest to help with that? It would be greatly appreciated!

Pages: [1]