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Topics - darcysarto

Pages: [1]
Posted: October 1, 2011, 7:34 PM

I wisk to use this mod http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1752 on my forum.  I attempted installation which it warned me would fail on post.template.

This was fine as I assumed I could simply add the code manually, replacing

Code: [Select]
// Now show the subject box for this post.


Code: [Select]
// Here starts the Topic Prefix Mod
if (!empty($context['prefix']))
', $txt['prefix_select'], ':
<select name="post_prefix" id="post_prefix">
<option value="">(', $txt['prefix_no'], ')</option>';

foreach($context['prefix'] as $prefix)
<option value="', $prefix['prefix'], '" >', $prefix['prefix'], '</option>';

// Here Topic Prefix Mod End's

// Now show the subject box for this post.

And then continued with the installation.  The admin panel appears and I can add prefixes but for some reason the prefix drop down is not appearing when I attempt to post.  Would you have any idea why this is?  Is it something I have done wrong or is it to do with Vertex?

Thank you.
Posted: September 10, 2011, 2:45 AM
Please use the support section in the future but since this a small question...
If you have defined the logo image url in the theme settings then it should be picking it up.

You will have to reinstall the mod or add the appropriate modifications to the theme files.

The URL is definitely correct but is not being picked up, I am using a .gif, does it need to be of a certain size?
Pages: [1]