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Messages - MLM

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 26
Posted: June 27, 2015, 9:03 AM
Sorry, I missed your thread.

2: I don't see anything wrong with the board name index with my installation. Perhaps you have some mods installed?
3: Remove `margin: 0 0 2px 0;` from `#forumposts .cat_bar`
Posted: October 13, 2014, 9:50 AM
Thanks for the bug report.

This is a issue with forgetting to clearfix the board list which is floated left.

Code: [Select]
overflow: hidden;to .content in css/index.css
Posted: September 25, 2014, 11:31 PM
How  translate this in the header ?   """Welcome, Guest. Please login or register"""

It looks like you got it. It should be in `languages/ThemeStrings.english.php`
Posted: May 9, 2014, 10:39 PM
Just finished a couple pieces inspired by Nick Campbell's Greyscalegorrila tutorial.

Made in Cinema 4D

Click on the images to visit the deviantART page
Posted: May 7, 2014, 9:35 AM
Hi there.
I'm RealCop1993
Great job so far.


I'm glad you liked the themes. Feel free to post up any problems in the web questions section.

Posted: March 19, 2014, 1:15 AM
I agree that this is how it should work. To quote something I wrote in a previous post:

Pulse was my very first theme released. I realize that there are many flaws with all three of my themes. Those themes were made 3 years ago and I have grown as a developer working on other projects and just haven't had the time or desire to go back update them to my new level of standards.
Posted: March 19, 2014, 1:06 AM
Btw, even the wiki article you linked states that tables still have their place:
Quote from: wiki/Tableless_web_design
HTML tables still have their legitimate place when presenting out tabular information within web pages.

To clarify the statement. I said that it is not the way to do things when it comes to site layout but they are still good to display data semantically. This is a fact of web development today that is well known.

There are lots of ways the portal peoples could do the layout:

I may have stated my opinion of the mod a little harshly, but I am not a proponent of portals at all, no matter how popular they are. It is a really bad CMS that is super cookie cutter.

Pulse was my very first theme released. I realize that there are many flaws with all three of my themes. Those themes were made 3 years ago and I have grown as a developer working on other projects and just haven't had the time or desire to go back update them to my new level of standards.

I continue to give support to these themes and have no problem helping people fix the problems.
Posted: March 16, 2014, 3:26 AM
Gotcha.  Which Portal Mod would you recommend then?

I personally have never used a portal mod. I always use custom external pages. You can see how to set it up in this thread: http://visualpulse.net/forums/index.php?topic=296.0

I am sorry I can't recommend one but I just have no experience using portals. My overall opinion from exposure to portals,  from questions like yours, is that they cause more problems than they solve. My recommendation is to learn how to do the custom external page(see thread linked above).
Posted: March 16, 2014, 2:56 AM
Your portal mod is messing with the layout. It wraps the stuff in `#main_content_section` with a table structure `<table id="sp_main">...</table>`.

That portal mod was not designed with the Cadence theme in mind. Also the Cadence theme was not designed with that portal mod in mind.

The portal mod you are using looks like some trash. It just puts everything in table elements. Using tables for layout has been a big no-no for a long time now. See this wikipedia article.
Posted: March 4, 2014, 8:23 AM
This is a duplicate topic. Please research your question before posting: http://visualpulse.net/forums/index.php?topic=280.0

After doing the edit proposed in this thread: http://visualpulse.net/forums/index.php?topic=280.0

Code: [Select]
Admin->Configuration->Current Theme
Change the `Logo image URL` field to your own banner image.
Posted: February 24, 2014, 11:43 PM
They work for me.
Posted: February 22, 2014, 7:22 AM
Hey Nexus!

The reason your banner is capped to certain width is because there is a line of css in `pulse/index.css`
Code: [Select]
.banner_area_banner_image {
    width: 334px;

Instead you can change that to:
Code: [Select]
.banner_area_banner_image {
    height: 184px;

For the background go to `pulse/index.css` and modify `.content_holder` to your liking. If you are actually editing the file and then replacing it then it should be changing. Try clearing your cache.
Posted: February 8, 2014, 10:42 PM
Glad you got it working!  ;)

Just for future reference. Create a new thread for each new issue unless it highly relates to the original thread.
Posted: February 8, 2014, 12:02 PM
Very easy. Looking back on the Vertex theme, the JS could be much cleaned up as I have grown as a developer but here is the simple fix.

In jquery_bits.js find:

Code: [Select]
$("ul.topnav li span").click(function() { //When trigger is clicked...

//Following events are applied to the subnav itself (moving subnav up and down)
$(this).parent().find("ul.subnav").slideDown('fast').show(); //Drop down the subnav on click

$(this).parent().hover(function() {
}, function(){
$(this).parent().find("ul.subnav").slideUp('slow', "easeInQuint"); //When the mouse hovers out of the subnav, move it back up

//Following events are applied to the trigger (Hover events for the trigger)
}).hover(function() {
$(this).addClass("subhover"); //On hover over, add class "subhover"
}, function(){ //On Hover Out
$(this).removeClass("subhover"); //On hover out, remove class "subhover"

Replace with:

Code: [Select]
$("ul.topnav li").mouseover(function() { //When trigger is clicked...

//Following events are applied to the subnav itself (moving subnav up and down)
$(this).find("ul.subnav").slideDown('fast').show(); //Drop down the subnav on click

$(this).hover(function() {
}, function(){
$(this).find("ul.subnav").slideUp('slow', "easeInQuint"); //When the mouse hovers out of the subnav, move it back up

//Following events are applied to the trigger (Hover events for the trigger)
}).hover(function() {
$(this).addClass("subhover"); //On hover over, add class "subhover"
}, function() { //On Hover Out
$(this).removeClass("subhover"); //On hover out, remove class "subhover"
Posted: December 25, 2013, 1:15 PM
Happy Holidays everyone! May your Christmas be filled with lots of love and joy.
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