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Topics - Katsulynx

Pages: [1]
Hey there,

finally I am back here with another question! I'm sure you did not missed me, but unfortunately I was not able to find an answer by myself, so may you would help me out once again?

I tried to change it by myself, but it did not work. So here comes the question: I want to modify the posting window so the dropdown menu with the colors is colorized. In detail: I want the colors to appear in the color they are, so black is depicted in black and so on. I spotted the dropdown-bar in the "GenericControls.Template.php" in the Cadence-Theme folder, it looks like the following:

Code: [Select]
// Print a drop down list for all the colors we allow!
if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['color']))
echo ',
sType: \'select\',
sName: \'sel_color\',
oOptions: {
\'\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['change_color']), ',
\'black\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['black']), ',
\'cyan\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['cyan']), ',
\'red\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['red']), ',
\'yellow\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['yellow']), ',
\'pink\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['pink']), ',
\'green\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['green']), ',
\'orange\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['orange']), ',
\'purple\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['purple']), ',
\'blue\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['blue']), ',
\'beige\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['beige']), ',
\'brown\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['brown']), ',
\'teal\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['teal']), ',
\'navy\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['navy']), ',
\'maroon\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['maroon']), ',
\'limegreen\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['lime_green']), ',
\'white\': ', JavaScriptEscape($txt['white']), '

I tried to add the html-"font"-tag at various positions, but none of them worked. Some caused the dropdown menu to disappear, some caused to disappear the whole bar with all options and some killed the style - it was funny too, but unfortunatly not very helpful at all. May you know how to change the color of those things?
Posted: August 17, 2011, 6:17 AM
Hey there,

it's me again! This time I have a very confusing problem... I was working in the templates on the table that shows the topic lsit in the boards, but it seems that there is something unnormal...  There is a table head and a table body with a number of td's in it, but the head has only 5 of it and the body has 6... my problem is that I want to remove the 3rd row of the bodys td's, but every time I do, all the others slip to the left

I brought the part of the MessageIndex.template.php with me:
Code: [Select]
<table class="table_grid" cellspacing="0">
<tr class="catbg">';

// Are there actually any topics to show?
if (!empty($context['topics']))
echo '
<th scope="col" class="first_th" width="8%" colspan="3">&nbsp;</th>
<th scope="col" class="lefttext"><a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';sort=subject', $context['sort_by'] == 'subject' && $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ';desc' : '', '">', $txt['subject'], $context['sort_by'] == 'subject' ? ' <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/sort_' . $context['sort_direction'] . '.gif" alt="" />' : '', '</a> / <a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';sort=starter', $context['sort_by'] == 'starter' && $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ';desc' : '', '">', $txt['started_by'], $context['sort_by'] == 'starter' ? ' <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/sort_' . $context['sort_direction'] . '.gif" alt="" />' : '', '</a></th>
<th scope="col" width="14%"><a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';sort=replies', $context['sort_by'] == 'replies' && $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ';desc' : '', '">', $txt['replies'], $context['sort_by'] == 'replies' ? ' <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/sort_' . $context['sort_direction'] . '.gif" alt="" />' : '', '</a> / <a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';sort=views', $context['sort_by'] == 'views' && $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ';desc' : '', '">', $txt['views'], $context['sort_by'] == 'views' ? ' <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/sort_' . $context['sort_direction'] . '.gif" alt="" />' : '', '</a></th>';
// Show a "select all" box for quick moderation?
if (empty($context['can_quick_mod']))
echo '
<th scope="col" class="lefttext last_th" width="22%"><a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';sort=last_post', $context['sort_by'] == 'last_post' && $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ';desc' : '', '">', $txt['last_post'], $context['sort_by'] == 'last_post' ? ' <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/sort_' . $context['sort_direction'] . '.gif" alt="" />' : '', '</a></th>';
echo '
<th scope="col" class="lefttext" width="22%"><a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';sort=last_post', $context['sort_by'] == 'last_post' && $context['sort_direction'] == 'up' ? ';desc' : '', '">', $txt['last_post'], $context['sort_by'] == 'last_post' ? ' <img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/sort_' . $context['sort_direction'] . '.gif" alt="" />' : '', '</a></th>';

// Show a "select all" box for quick moderation?
if (!empty($context['can_quick_mod']) && $options['display_quick_mod'] == 1)
echo '
<th scope="col" class="last_th" width="24"><input type="checkbox" onclick="invertAll(this, this.form, \'topics[]\');" class="input_check" /></th>';

// If it's on in "image" mode, don't show anything but the column.
elseif (!empty($context['can_quick_mod']))
echo '
<th class="last_th" width="4%">&nbsp;</th>';
// No topics.... just say, "sorry bub".
echo '
<th scope="col" class="first_th" width="8%">&nbsp;</th>
<th colspan="3"><strong>', $txt['msg_alert_none'], '</strong></th>
<th scope="col" class="last_th" width="8%">&nbsp;</th>';

echo '

if (!empty($settings['display_who_viewing']))
echo '
<tr class="windowbg2 whos_viewing">
<td colspan="', !empty($context['can_quick_mod']) ? '6' : '5', '" class="smalltext">';
if ($settings['display_who_viewing'] == 1)
echo count($context['view_members']), ' ', count($context['view_members']) === 1 ? $txt['who_member'] : $txt['members'];
echo empty($context['view_members_list']) ? '0 ' . $txt['members'] : implode(', ', $context['view_members_list']) . ((empty($context['view_num_hidden']) or $context['can_moderate_forum']) ? '' : ' (+ ' . $context['view_num_hidden'] . ' ' . $txt['hidden'] . ')');
echo $txt['who_and'], $context['view_num_guests'], ' ', $context['view_num_guests'] == 1 ? $txt['guest'] : $txt['guests'], $txt['who_viewing_board'], '

// If this person can approve items and we have some awaiting approval tell them.
if (!empty($context['unapproved_posts_message']))
echo '
<tr class="windowbg2">
<td colspan="', !empty($context['can_quick_mod']) ? '6' : '5', '">
<span class="alert">!</span> ', $context['unapproved_posts_message'], '

foreach ($context['topics'] as $topic)
// Is this topic pending approval, or does it have any posts pending approval?
if ($context['can_approve_posts'] && $topic['unapproved_posts'])
$color_class = !$topic['approved'] ? 'approvetbg' : 'approvebg';
// We start with locked and sticky topics.
elseif ($topic['is_sticky'] && $topic['is_locked'])
$color_class = 'stickybg locked_sticky';
// Sticky topics should get a different color, too.
elseif ($topic['is_sticky'])
$color_class = 'stickybg';
// Locked topics get special treatment as well.
elseif ($topic['is_locked'])
$color_class = 'lockedbg';
// Last, but not least: regular topics.
$color_class = 'windowbg';

// Some columns require a different shade of the color class.
$alternate_class = $color_class . '2';

echo '
<td style="width: 0; max-width: 0; min-width: 0; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"></td>
<td class="icon1 ', $color_class, '">
<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/topic/', $topic['class'], '.gif" alt="" />
<td class="icon2 ', $color_class, '" width=0px>

<td class="subject ', $alternate_class, '">
<div ', (!empty($topic['quick_mod']['modify']) ? 'id="topic_' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '" onmouseout="mouse_on_div = 0;" onmouseover="mouse_on_div = 1;" ondblclick="modify_topic(\'' . $topic['id'] . '\', \'' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '\');"' : ''), '>
', $topic['is_sticky'] ? '<strong>' : '', '<span id="msg_' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '">', $topic['first_post']['link'], (!$context['can_approve_posts'] && !$topic['approved'] ? '&nbsp;<em>(' . $txt['awaiting_approval'] . ')</em>' : ''), '</span>', $topic['is_sticky'] ? '</strong>' : '';

// Is this topic new? (assuming they are logged in!)
if ($topic['new'] && $context['user']['is_logged'])
echo '
<a href="', $topic['new_href'], '" id="newicon' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', $context['theme_variant_url'], 'english/new.gif" alt="', $txt['new'], '" /></a>';

echo '
<p>', $txt['started_by'], ' ', $topic['first_post']['member']['link'], '
<small id="pages' . $topic['first_post']['id'] . '">', $topic['pages'], '</small>
<td class="stats ', $color_class, '">
', $topic['replies'], ' ', $txt['replies'], '
<br />
', $topic['views'], ' ', $txt['views'], '
<td class="lastpost ', $alternate_class, '">
<a href="', $topic['last_post']['href'], '"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/last_post.gif" alt="', $txt['last_post'], '" title="', $txt['last_post'], '" /></a>
', $topic['last_post']['time'], '<br />
', $txt['by'], ' ', $topic['last_post']['member']['link'], '

// Show the quick moderation options?
if (!empty($context['can_quick_mod']))
echo '
<td class="moderation ', $color_class, '" align="center">';
if ($options['display_quick_mod'] == 1)
echo '
<input type="checkbox" name="topics[]" value="', $topic['id'], '" class="input_check" />';
// Check permissions on each and show only the ones they are allowed to use.
if ($topic['quick_mod']['remove'])
echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=quickmod;board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';actions[', $topic['id'], ']=remove;', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '" onclick="return confirm(\'', $txt['quickmod_confirm'], '\');"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/quick_remove.gif" width="16" alt="', $txt['remove_topic'], '" title="', $txt['remove_topic'], '" /></a>';

if ($topic['quick_mod']['lock'])
echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=quickmod;board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';actions[', $topic['id'], ']=lock;', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '" onclick="return confirm(\'', $txt['quickmod_confirm'], '\');"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/quick_lock.gif" width="16" alt="', $txt['set_lock'], '" title="', $txt['set_lock'], '" /></a>';

if ($topic['quick_mod']['lock'] || $topic['quick_mod']['remove'])
echo '<br />';

if ($topic['quick_mod']['sticky'])
echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=quickmod;board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';actions[', $topic['id'], ']=sticky;', $context['session_var'], '=', $context['session_id'], '" onclick="return confirm(\'', $txt['quickmod_confirm'], '\');"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/quick_sticky.gif" width="16" alt="', $txt['set_sticky'], '" title="', $txt['set_sticky'], '" /></a>';

if ($topic['quick_mod']['move'])
echo '<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=movetopic;board=', $context['current_board'], '.', $context['start'], ';topic=', $topic['id'], '.0"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/quick_move.gif" width="16" alt="', $txt['move_topic'], '" title="', $txt['move_topic'], '" /></a>';
echo '
echo '

if (!empty($context['can_quick_mod']) && $options['display_quick_mod'] == 1 && !empty($context['topics']))
echo '
<tr class="titlebg">
<td colspan="6" align="right">
<select class="qaction" name="qaction"', $context['can_move'] ? ' onchange="this.form.moveItTo.disabled = (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != \'move\');"' : '', '>
<option value="">--------</option>', $context['can_remove'] ? '
<option value="remove">' . $txt['quick_mod_remove'] . '</option>' : '', $context['can_lock'] ? '
<option value="lock">' . $txt['quick_mod_lock'] . '</option>' : '', $context['can_sticky'] ? '
<option value="sticky">' . $txt['quick_mod_sticky'] . '</option>' : '', $context['can_move'] ? '
<option value="move">' . $txt['quick_mod_move'] . ': </option>' : '', $context['can_merge'] ? '
<option value="merge">' . $txt['quick_mod_merge'] . '</option>' : '', $context['can_restore'] ? '
<option value="restore">' . $txt['quick_mod_restore'] . '</option>' : '', $context['can_approve'] ? '
<option value="approve">' . $txt['quick_mod_approve'] . '</option>' : '', $context['user']['is_logged'] ? '
<option value="markread">' . $txt['quick_mod_markread'] . '</option>' : '', '

// Show a list of boards they can move the topic to.
if ($context['can_move'])
echo '
<select class="qaction" id="moveItTo" name="move_to" disabled="disabled">';

foreach ($context['move_to_boards'] as $category)
echo '
<optgroup label="', $category['name'], '">';
foreach ($category['boards'] as $board)
echo '
<option value="', $board['id'], '"', $board['selected'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', '>', $board['child_level'] > 0 ? str_repeat('==', $board['child_level'] - 1) . '=&gt;' : '', ' ', $board['name'], '</option>';
echo '
echo '

echo '
<input type="submit" value="', $txt['quick_mod_go'], '" onclick="return document.forms.quickModForm.qaction.value != \'\' &amp;&amp; confirm(\'', $txt['quickmod_confirm'], '\');" class="button_submit qaction" />

echo '

I want to remove this part:
Code: [Select]
<td class="icon2 ', $color_class, '" width=0px>

(don't wonder that it's already empty, I removed the picture, but now I want to remove the whole td). I tried to find his th in the head but was not able to... can you tell me which th I have to remove in order to shorten the whole table?
Posted: August 13, 2011, 6:29 AM
Hey, it's me again  :(

sorry, but I guess I have another question incomming. I do not like the redirection counter shown next to a board that redirects to an html page. I sucessfully managed to remove it from my first board two days ago but unluckily I forgot how...
Maybe there is a chance to remove it for all redirection boards?

I allready tried to edit the BoardIndex.template.php at this position:
Code: [Select]
<td class="boardindex_board_stats">
', comma_format($board['posts']), ' ', $board['is_redirect'] ? $txt['redirects'] : $txt['posts'], ' <br />
', $board['is_redirect'] ? '' : comma_format($board['topics']) . ' ' . $txt['board_topics'], '

I tried to remove some parts but all that happened are the following things:
1. Redirections are not longer titled as redirections, they are now "posts"
2. The redirections were removed, but also the posts and topics of normal boards
3. Only the count of the redirection was left, so there was a "3" in this case

different combinations all resulted in one of the listed results, so I don't know what is left to do and I can't remember what I did to remove it at the first board...
Maybe someone is able to help me?
Hey there,

I am now writing on a new page for my forum to allow users to register something. I think I know how to make the fields they can tipe in something and it is saved to the MySQL-Database of my forum. But now I want to make it so, that the post automatically gets the users name, like posting in a thread, so a user sends his form and there is automatically filled in his name.

And if possible I would like to make the sended forms only able to be seen in by some administrator of my forum.
To make the thing a little bit clearer:
Posted: August 11, 2011, 3:20 PM
Hey there,

It's me another time. I recently tried to install the following mod: http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1807, which detects whether capslock is activated on tipping your password in or not but the mod is unable to install himself properly because some lines in the index.template.php are missing.

I was able to replace
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- // -->','
function capsLock(e, div)
keyCode = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
shiftKey = e.shiftKey ? e.shiftKey : ((keyCode === 16) ? true : false);
if (((keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) && !shiftKey) || ((keyCode >= 97 && keyCode <= 122) && shiftKey))
document.getElementById(div).style.visibility = \'visible\';
document.getElementById(div).style.visibility = \'hidden\';
// ]]','></script>

but not to replace
Code: [Select]
<input type="password" name="passwrd" size="10" class="input_password" />trough
Code: [Select]
<input type="password" name="passwrd" size="10" class="input_password" onkeypress="capsLock(event,\'quick_login\')" />

Code: [Select]
<input type="hidden" name="hash_passwrd" value="" />trough
Code: [Select]
<input type="hidden" name="hash_passwrd" value="" />
<div class="error" style="visibility:hidden" id="quick_login">', $txt['capslock_warning'], '</div>

because the two lines are missing in the template. Can I find them somewhere else our do I have to insert them first somewhere?

Thanks so far,
Posted: August 11, 2011, 4:08 AM
Hey there,

i recently installed the Cadence Theme on my brand new forum and I liked it very much this far. But I have one problem with this style: I dont like the appearance of the "new topic" button and all that look equal. I already tried to change them by my own by working myself through the stylesheets and templates, but was not able to find anything that helped me...

Maybe someone is able to help me with my problem? I would like to change the colour and the font of it and the most important thing that I don't like is the button itself. I would like to exchange it through some image files if possible or at least make the colour fit better.

Thanks so far,

because of my bad english it could happened that I expressed a little bit missunderstandable ^^'
I added a picture to show what type of button I mean:
Pages: [1]